Monthly Coffee Social

Monthly Coffee Social

Q: How do I maximize my membership with PDP?

A: By reaching out and connecting the DOTS.

Q: How do I find the time to connect with all these wonderful DOTS while still tending to my business?

A: By being strategic with your time, and by doing connections with multiple DOTS all at once.

The Monthly Coffee Social was created with this in mind: to provide a venue for multiple connections to happen at the same time. Instead of spending 1-1.5 hrs with each DOT sister, you can now meet 3-5 DOTS in the same amount of time.

I hope you will join me!

Personally, I like tea in the morning. What's your morning drink?



Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 04-05-2019 9:00 am
Meeting End Date/Time 04-05-2019 10:30 am
Capacity 6
Registered 2
Remaining Seats Available 4
Location Corner Bakery Cafe

We are no longer accepting registration for this meeting